Against All Odds Foundation

"Survivors are Warriors that never quit fighting" by Shirley M. Carter-Powell


Health & Harmony Massage

1801 E. Saginaw St., Lansing, MI

Phone: - 517-492-7535

Lillian's Free Boutique

Lansing Mall - Best Furniture Outlet Wing

5742 W. Saginaw, Ste#105

Lansing, MI

​Phone: 517-303-1817

"Cancer diagnosis does not have to be a death sentence" 

"Sometime God puts our life on pause so that we can re-start" 

Quotes by:  Shirley M. Carter-Powell

We're proud to be in partnership with our Partners!  Collaboration makes each of us stronger together.

 Shirley M Carter-Powell,  Founder/President

 I am a two time survivor, breast cancer has claimed many lives in my  family - grandmother, 2 aunts, 5 first cousins.  Survivors include 1 aunt and 2 first  cousins.  Now, today I stand in the gap supporting other survivors in their fight for life!  Celebrating  one day at a time.

Stories of Hope

Guest Book

Share your breast cancer survival stories and inspire others. Connect with our online family and help us raise breast cancer awareness.

Thank you for visiting Against All Odds - Breast Cancer Awareness Organization. Stop by and sign our guest book and be a part of our community. Tell us how we’ve inspired you.  Send a Note; go to our contact page.

I'm a survivor. This is my journey.